Book Curios

Dreams by C. G. Jung

Combine Psyche: Nightdreaming with this book of lectures Carl Jung gave to explain the origin of dreams and why we dream in the first place. 

The Artist’s Books by Francesca Woodman

Combine with Orgeval Garden or Dark Meadow scents to explore the uncommon intimate photography of the 20th century by F. Woodman who used her own body as the main subject of her black and white blurred film pictures.

The Tarot: A Collection of Secret Wisdom from Tarot's Mystical Origins

Combine Psyche: Clairvoyance for a more profound esoteric experience with this amazing collection of old text on Tarot and its history.

The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem
From Baudelaire to Anne Carson

Combine our Signature Perfumes inspired by poetry with this fascinating collection of prose poems. Organised in reversed chronological order (from most recent to the earliest prose verse) it allows to follow the development of this rare genre.

The Complete Tales of H.P. Lovecraft

Combine Nameless Mist with this classic cosmic horror tales to explore the roots of our fear of the unknown as well as our darker self.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler

Combine Female Psyche oils with this well-known book on Fertility Awareness Method for a better understanding of your female cycles and your own body.
A must read for every woman.

Jane Austen's Letters by D. Le Faye

Combine with Sachet de Senteurs perfume which was inspired by the Romanticism period, in particular in literature. A beautiful edition which gives a glimpse into the life of one of the most prolific female novelists of the Georgian era and not only.

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